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DSO6104L Agilent Digital Oscilloscope Used

DSO6104L Agilent Digital Oscilloscope Used

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Additional Features:

  • Bandwidth: 1 GHz  
  • Sample Rate: 4 GS/s
  • 4-channel digital storage oscilloscope (DSO) models
  • Low profile, high density 1U (4.45 cm, 1.75 inches) package
  • LXI class C compliant
  • Standard 2 Mpts MegaZoom III deep memory, 8 Mpts Optional
  • Full-scale connectivity – Standard USB, LAN, GPIB interface with XGA video output
  • 8-bit vertical resolution (extensible to 12 bits)
  • Mixed signal analysis option supporting integrated 4-scope and 16-logic channels
  • Built-in Web browser control
  • Optional secure environment mode
  • IVI-COM driver
  • 100% software compatible with 6000A Series portable oscilloscopes
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The Agilent DSO6104L provides a 1 GHz bandwidth in a space-saving 1U-high 19-inch wide package so it saves your valuable rack space. The oscilloscopes have side and rear air vents (no top or bottom air vents) so other instruments can be mounted directly above or below them.

Low-profile, high-density package saves rack space
The 6000L Series oscilloscopes provide up to 1-GHz bandwidth in a space-saving 1U-high 19-inch wide package so it saves your valuable rack space. The oscilloscopes have side and rear air vents (no top or bottom air vents) so other instruments can be mounted directly above or below them. Rack mount brackets and rack rails are standard with every unit.

LXI class C compliant
LAN eXtensions for Instrumentation (LXI) is the architecture for test systems that’s based on proven, widely used standards such as Ethernet. By specifying the interaction of those standards, LXI enables fast, efficient, cost-effective creation and reconfiguration of test systems. The 6000L Series oscilloscopes are fully LXI class C compliant. The 6000L Series oscilloscopes follow specified LAN protocols, and adhere to LXI requirements such as a built-in Web control server, IVI driver software, and more.

Easy system integration and configuration
To simplify system development, the 6000L Series oscilloscopes come standard with an IVI-COM (Interchangeable Virtual Instruments) driver, and they support easy-to-use SCPI commands. The standard Agilent I/O Library Suite makes it easy to configure and integrate instruments into your system–even if your system includes instruments from other vendors.

Built-in Web control
The built-in Web server provides remote access and control of the instrument via a standard Java™-enabled Web browser on your computer. You can communicate with the scope over the scope’s built-in LAN interface. Using the Web browser you can set up measurements, monitor waveforms, capture screen images and operate the scope remotely. Through the remote front panel you have access to the built-in help system that is available in eleven languages. Simply right click on the soft keys to see help for that function. You can also send SCPI commands over the LAN to control your scope. Wherever you are, your 6000L Series scope is as close as the nearest Web browser.

Optional secure environment mode
The optional secure environment mode provides the highest level of security by ensuring that internal memory is clear of all setup and trace settings in compliance with National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM) Chapter 8 requirements. You can move the instrument out of a secure area with confidence. When this option is installed, it will store setups and traces to internal volatile memory only. To permanently store data, you can save it to an external memory device via the oscilloscope’s front-panel USB port.

Up to 12 bits of resolution
High resolution mode offers up to 12 bits of resolution in real-time mode, which reduces noise and increases vertical resolution. When operating at slow time base ranges, the 6000L Series oscilloscopes serially filter sequential data points and map the filtered results to the display. In certain situations, user-controlled averaging can also be used to obtain greater than 8-bits of resolution.

Powerful acquisition with MegaZoom III deep memory
2 Mpt of MegaZoom deep memory comes standard so you can capture long, non-repeating signals, while maintaining high sample rates and good timing resolution. This lets you quickly zoom in on areas of interest. In single-channel mode with 8 Mpts of memory, the DSO6104L can capture a signal over a 2 msec period with a sampling rate of 4 GSa/s (0.25 nsec period). The fast sample rate and deep memory ensure that all high-frequency signal components, up to the full bandwidth of the scope, are captured.

MegaZoom III deep memory helps you find details buried in complex signals. You can view fast waveform updates of signals by means of an external display connected to the oscilloscope’s XGA out port.

Mixed signal analysis option
If you work with both analog and digital circuitry, the Agilent 6000L Series oscilloscope can help you see more signal activity in your designs. You can upgrade the 6000L Series oscilloscope to a 4 scope +16 logic timing channel mixed signal oscilloscope (MSO). Both the MSO and the 4-channel DSO models are optimized with the capabilities you need for verifying and debugging designs that include embedded system components. With the MSO you can trigger on any combination of its scope and logic channels.

Easy transition from 6000A to 6000L
One of the biggest challenges in a new product’s life cycle is the transition of its test system from development to manufacturing. With LXI, the transition can be achieved much more easily and cost effectively than with cardcage-based systems.

Engineers can use the LXI class C compliant 6000A Series portable oscilloscope during the R&D phase, using the display, keypad and knobs to quickly access a wealth of measurement capabilities. When your product moves to manufacturing, you can use a system-optimized 6000L Series LXI oscilloscope without a display. Because the 6000A and 6000L are 100% software compatible, your manufacturing system can use the software and test routines developed in R&D without any modification, while you save cost and rack space by moving from a standard benchtop oscilloscope to a 1U high oscilloscope without a display.

Model No









1 GHz

Record length

2 MPts

Sampling rate

4 GS/s