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The Agilent DSO3062A offers a sample rate of 1 GSa/s and 4 kpts of waveform memory. A large 5.7 inch color display and standard advanced features that include sophisticated triggering, automatic measurements, digital filtering, sequence mode acquisition, math functions (including FFTs), stored setups and waveforms, mask testing and much more.
Agilent’s 3000 Series oscilloscopes give you an affordable way to see what’s happening in your designs. Developed with the features you need to make your job easier – including a large LCD color display. To give you the debugging power you need, each oscilloscope comes standard with advanced features including sophisticated triggering, automatic measurements, digital filtering, sequence mode acquisition, math functions (including FFTs), stored setups and waveforms, mask testing and much more.
All 3000 Series models have color displays to allow you to quickly identify your signals, and the large size – 15-cm (5.7-in) with 320 x 240 resolution – makes it easier for you to see more information. The 3000 Series’ delayed sweep also lets you see more details in your design. You can view a long record, then window in on the section of the signal of interest.
All 3000 Series scopes include the standard features you need to get your job done easier and faster:
Autoscale lets you quickly display any active signals, automatically setting the vertical, horizontal and trigger controls for the best signal display.
Easy connectivity
The 3000 Series oscilloscopes come standard with an N2865A USB host module for saving setups, waveforms, and displays to a memory stick. This port is also compatible with many USB printers.
This 3000 series also offers Scope Connect software, which provides PC connectivity for data gathering, pass/fail testing, and analysis via the 3000 Series' USB device port. GPIB and RS-232 interfaces are also available with the N2861A connectivity module.
Advanced triggering
Includes edge, pulse width, and line-selectable video, to help you isolate the signals you want to see.
20 automatic measurements
To save time, you can make 18 different measurements simultaneously.
Waveform math with FFTs
Analysis functions include addition, subtraction, multiplication, and Fast Fourier Transforms with four windows (Hanning, Hamming, BlackmanHarris and rectangular).
Auto calibration
Automatically calibrates the oscilloscope’s vertical and horizontal systems.
Multi-language interface
Operate the oscilloscope in the language of your choice. Language support includes simplified and traditional Chinese, Japanese, Korean, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and English.
Digital filtering
Digital filtering selections include low pass, high pass, band pass, and band reject filters. Limits are selectable between 1-kHz and the bandwidth of your oscilloscope model.
Ten waveform and setup memories
Store waveforms or commonly used setups for future reference and use.
Mask testing
Automatically compares incoming signals with a pre-defined mask, clearly highlighting signal changes.
Sequence mode (segmented memory)
Frame an area of interest on your signal for acquisition and record up to 1,000 frames for playback.
Pulse triggering
Lets you trigger on pulse events.
Easy to set up and use
Dedicated, color-coded knobs for vertical sensitivity, offset, and time base settings make it easy to set up and use. Front-panel keys for triggering functions are also grouped to make your job easier.
Model No
60 MHz
Record length
4 kPts
Sampling rate
1 GS/s
USB Host Module
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