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The Agilent 6691A has a wide range of protection features available to protect your DUT from damaging conditions. All Agilent system power supplies have SCPI (Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments) based command sets.
Protect your DUT
At these high power levels, you want to protect your expensive DUT. Whether your DUT is a rack of data storage control units, or a base station ready for deployment, it is quite valuable and well worth recovery. The 6690 Series has a wide range of protection features available to protect your DUT from damaging conditions.
Easy GPIB Programming
All Agilent system power supplies have SCPI (Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments) based command sets. This means that the same function would have the same command for any instrument.
For example, to program the output voltage on two power supplies, the command would be the same, and to measure the output voltage the command would be the same for the Agilent system power supply as any SCPI voltmeter. Using SCPI instruments makes your software simpler and quicker to design.
Easy System Configuration and Enhancement
The 6600 watt dc power supplies of the Agilent 6690 Series are the same size as the 5000 watt power supplies of the Agilent 6680 Series.
This means that system power can be upgraded without needing more rack space. All programming commands and features are 100% compatible between both series. Also, up to three same model 6690 Series power supplies can be connected in parallel, to provide additional power as your needs expand.
Manual Power Supply Control
Non-automated testing in R&D, or power for the repair bench in manufacturing, are no problem for the 6690 Series. The front panel has everything that is needed to control both the power supply output and the associated protection features. Both the output voltage and current can be easily monitored on the front panel meters.
Analog Programming and Monitoring
Analog signals can be used to program the output voltage and current. This allows custom waveforms to be generated, and is also useful for process control applications. The output current and voltage can be monitored via analog signals on the rear panel, for custom interface applications, and process control implementations.
Model No
220 A
30 V
6.6 kW
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