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1680AD Agilent Logic Analyzer Used

1680AD Agilent Logic Analyzer Used

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Additional Features:

  • 800 MHz timing with 4 M deep memory enables you to find the root cause of a problem that is widely separated from the symptom in time.
  • 200 MHz state acquisition provides you performance and headroom for synchronous system measurements.
  • Simple and Quick triggers let you define triggers in the context of the signals you're viewing. Use pull-down menus within data displays to define trigger events as edges, patterns and glitches (Simple trigger) or draw a box around a suspect event in the display to see if it reoccurs (Quick trigger).
  • Advanced trigger lets you use drag-and-drop graphical icons as building blocks to customize complex trigger scenarios to find the most elusive problems.
  • Time correlated measurements between an external oscilloscope and the logic analyzer help you determine how the analog quality of a signal impacts the digital operation of your device.
  • Offline analysis allows you to analyze previously captured data on a Windows PC leaving your logic analyzer free to capture additional data.
  • 12.1-inch built-in color flat panel display allows you to see more data and gain insight quickly.
  • 136 channel standalone logic analyzer.
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